Editing News: February Editing and Translation Reading
Editing News: Editing and Translation Texts In addition to my busy December and January in sci-fi reads and re-reads, February was also a very busy month for me in terms of professional development for both editing and translation. Editing In terms of editing books, I was finally able to finish the excellent The Conscious […]
Editing News: Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) Professional Development
Editing News: Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) Professional Development As December and January are often slower times in the editing world, I often try to take advantage of this period to catch up on my reading and my ever-growing to-read list. In fact, I was quite productive during this period, in terms of science fiction (sci-fi) reads […]
Editing News: February Round Up
Editing News: February Round Up It’s time for some editing news! I recently wrote about “Best Books for Editors: January Round Up.” This month, I continue with this theme, as well as sharing some professional news. (I can’t believe how busy this month has been!) Latest Editing Reads In terms of editing reads, I’ve […]
Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Bookworm
Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Bookworm The following are confessions of a self-proclaimed bookworm. When asked how I became an editor, I always simply say that my journey has been long and winding. However, this is an oversimplification of a much more interesting—but admittedly, complex—story. As a lifelong introverted—self-proclaimed—bookworm, I have always carried a book (or […]
Work-Life Balance
Work-Life Balance At times, maintaining a work-life balance as a freelance editor can be a difficult task. As with any freelance job, there will be busy periods and there will be slow periods. In particular, it can be difficult to maintain a sustainable work-life balance during these busy times. I have been working as a […]
Best Books for Editors: January Round Up
Best Books for Editors: January Round Up I recently wrote about my nine best books for editors in “Editorial Style Guides, Manuals, and Dictionaries for Beginner Editors.” Editing Classics Although this particular article was specifically aimed at beginner editors, these remain my “go-tos” years later. While admittedly, a great deal of notable editing-related books […]
Avoiding Harm in Our Editing and Writing
Avoiding Harm in Our Editing and Writing Avoiding harm in our editing and writing seems like a simple statement. As copy editors, avoiding introducing errors into the documents that we are working on, is something that we take very seriously. However, in recent years, the concept of inclusive language, or conscious language, has been increasingly […]
The Problem with Italicizing Non-English Words: Avoiding Harm in Our Writing and Editing
The Problem with Italicizing Non-English Words What exactly is the problem with italicizing non-English words? Currently, debate is ongoing about italicizing non-English words in the writing, editing, and publishing industries. In particular, in the English-language publishing industries, a great deal of conversation is occurring about whether to italicize words or phrases that may not be […]
Tips for Improving Your Writing
Tips for Improving Your Writing Many writing and editing blogs offer various tips for improving your writing skills. Many also offer advice and best practices for editing your own work. As an editor, I agree that self-editing is an important part of the writing process. It helps hone your writing skills, refines your ideas, and […]
How to Become an Editor
How to Become an Editor How to become an editor is quite a popular question. Although there are various steps that one can take to become an editor, I have found that everyone’s journey is different. My personal journey to becoming an editor was a long and meandering one. As voracious bookworm my entire life, […]