Natalia Iwanek Editing
Hello and welcome, friends!
I’m Natalia, a Canadian freelance copy editor, stylistic editor, and proofreader.
I focus on genre fiction. This includes romance (including queer romance), science fiction, horror, thriller, and mystery genres.
Further, I specialize in plain language, inclusive language, and accessibility. I also offer sensitivity reading on a variety of topics to ensure the authenticity of your manuscript.
Connect anytime to discuss your project.
Editing Services
Get to know me.
I hold a 4-year Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Political Science (With Distinction) from Athabasca University and Certificates in Editing and Plain Language from Simon Fraser University.
To supplement my knoweldge, I regularly enroll in editing-related professional development from Canada, US, and UK-based professional editing organizations, such as Editors Canada, Editors Toronto, ACES: The Society for Editing, the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP), and the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA).
I also have extensive training in Inclusion Equity, Diversity, and Accessibility (IDEA), with a particular focus in accessibility.
If you would like to learn a bit more about how I became a copy editor, including my educational background, professional training, experience, awards and recognitions, and professional editing memberships, please continue to my about me page.
Additionally, you may also continue to my profile on Editors Canada’s Online Directory of Editors and my portfolio with my most recent work.
Currently, I serve as the co-editor-in-chief for BoldFace blog, the official blog of Editors Toronto. There, you can find some recent copy editing and editing-related writings, such as Disability-Affirming Language: Person-First versus Identity-First Language and Finding Your Editorial Niche.
Finally, I am a strong proponent of continuous learning and supplement my training regularly to stay informed of current trends in the editing and writing worlds, as well as to refresh my current knowledge. You can find some of my editing and writing-related musings on my editing blog.
Let’s connect!
I enjoy working collaboratively with my clients. Let’s get to know each other a bit better and see if this working relationship is the right fit. Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss your project or to have an editing chat!