Copy Editing

Copy Editing Defined 

Known as the third stage of editing, following a development edit and a stylistic edit, copy editing focuses on improving grammar, spelling, usage, clarity, consistency, and readability throughout a document.

It also includes basic fact-checking and ensures correctness in imagery, tables, graphs.

In other words, during this stage of the editing process, I focus on the details, as opposed to the “big picture” (this takes places during the developmental editing stage). I also do not consider the sentence structure and overall flow of the document (this takes place during the stylistic editing stage).

However, at times, it is possible to combine the copy editing stage with a stylistic edit. Please contact me anytime for a quote. 

I also offer sample edits to see if this working relationship is a good fit.

Copy Editing Rate and Process

For both fiction and non-fiction, my copy editing rate is $40 CAD per hour (at 5 pages per hour – 250 words per page).

This includes

  • an email discussion of your editing needs and project specifics,
  • one round of copy editing (and general inclusive language review), and
  • a follow up email discussion regarding any clarifications or questions.

At our agreed upon due date, I will provide you with  

  • a copy edited document (either a Microsoft Word document with “Track Changes” and comments or a Google document with “Suggested” edits and comments),
  • a general inclusive language edit, 
  • a clean Microsoft Word or Google document,
  • a one-page summary of my editing suggestions, and
  • a style sheet of my edits.

During my editing process, I adhere to Editors Canada’s Professional Editorial Standards.

For more information on this type of editing, check out my blog articles on How to Choose an Editor and What Types of Editing Services are Available.

Copy Editing Terms and Conditions
  • All prices are quotes in CAD.
  • Upon receipt of documents, a contract will be sent to the Client, which must be signed prior to commencing work.
  • This contract will establish scope of work, expectations, and timelines.
  • A 50% deposit must be sent via e-transfer or PayPal prior to the Editor commencing work.
  • The remaining 50% will be due within 10 days of completed work and receipt of Editor invoice.
Contact Me.
Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss your project further.